Can’t bear the thought of paying somebody $10 an hour to give your customers a bazillion times better experience? We’ve got an app for you!
Escape Room Master has welcomed it’s newest addition to the Escape Room software arsenal.
Our resident nerd has put his skill for creating apps together with his passion for escape rooms to create our very first Escape Room Master prop application!
Native Philips Hue light support makes a great addition to our Escape Game Software especially when coupled with our time based triggering system or event automation system.
After over half a year of testing, samples, research, back and forth with manufacturers and almost a hundred different products, we have assembled arguably one of the best value Escape Room Video and Audio monitoring solution on the market.
Today we released the ability to automatically upload names, email addresses, and other contact information collected through our waivers application to the extremely popular mail chimp email marketing service.
Just a quick update today, we added the ability to use both photo and video backgrounds in your games, allowing for even more extensive theming and immersive room design. Along with this came the ability to change the default lock/clue icons for all three states (unobtained, earned, and used) to any image you would like.
Our week at the Transworld HAA Show was an incredible success, meeting new friends, reconnecting with old ones, and seeing all the people we talk with every day was awesome and we cannot wait until next year. Here are a quick list of things we were showing off, as well as some upcoming projects
Spotty internet connections plague us all, regardless of where we are in the world. Today we released an update with a far more permanent method of caching your audio, video, and image components to Escape Room Master. Running your offline escape game after restarting a computer, refreshing the app, changing rooms, and more will be much faster as well, since the files are not reloaded unless they are changed.
Not a ton to talk about today, so I will keep things short. Any customer facing text which was previously static, including labels for fields and the like is now customizable for any language, including left to right reading ones. Fields can be customized in the settings to suite any international market, further ensuring the best possible experience for your customers.
After tons of hours of beta testing, our Live Escape Room Waiver Management Software App is ready just in time for the new year! A quick setup for some branding options is all you need to begin collecting unlimited escape game waivers for only $19.95 per month. Waivers are stored indefinitely, including the version of the waiver text that they were signed with, and can be reviewed or printed at any time.
Today we pushed out an update which enhanced the customization of the player and customer facing views for leaderboards, live view, and waivers. Any text or images that are seen by players are now able to be scaled, adjusting font size and pixel height/width. Additionally, font types may also be changed, as well as the color in all places, not just some as was previously the case.
Yet another original product to flesh out our suite of software to encompass every possible facet of running your Escape Room business!
Hot on the heels of our Live Voice Transmission feature, we have released an audio control panel, allowing you to independently control the volume on each audio feature played by ERM. This enables you to keep the soundtrack low in the background, and have an alert tone or the vocal transmission louder, so they are not drowned out by the soundtrack.
One long requested feature is the ability to have a Game Master speak directly into the Live Escape Room using the microphone on their computer, and without any external hardware or software. After puzzling over this, we finally were able to release a clean, single button audio transmission solution for your Escape Room.
Hey guys, just a quick update on a new feature a lot of you have been asking for. Everything in the Live View that the escape game players will see is now able to be scaled from the edit room menu on the Room Dashboard. You may adjust the size of the logo, the font size, timer size, and more on a per room basis.
After many requests for a “stand alone” or a “one time fee” type of payment option, we have finally done the backend work necessary to make this a reality. We are very pleased to announce our Lifetime Subscription to the Escape Room Master Suite of products.
Often times an escape game company may want to run their escape room remotely, be it to save travel costs, convenience, or even to work with employees who have excellent Game Master abilities, but may not live close enough or have adequate transportation.
Did you know we create custom websites, complete with booking sales here? We have awesome web developers as well as a great designer on staff, and can cater to any of your specific Escape Room Website needs!
Escape Room Master is adding yet another product to the lineup! Everyone has and updates leaderboards, so why not have a slick, integrated way to do it with the software you are already using? Every time a team completes a room with time remaining, the Game Master running the room is able to input the team name, and save them to the database of teams who have escaped that specific room.
A significant amount of questions we receive are related to how you transmit data from the Game Master controlled computer to the TV or screen in the room which the Escape Game players see.
We are extremely proud to announce the coming release of our Live Escape Game Waiver Software! Continuing the trend of expanding our comprehensive suite of Escape Game Apps, we have added waivers to the lineup! Capture a waiver for each customer, not just the one who booked the party, including their name and email, garnering you a full list of contact emails for marketing purposes.
It’s release time again! Escape Room Master now has Video briefs for a consistent user experience when players are about to enter or have just entered the room.
Great news! We have pushed a slew of new bits and pieces for you guys to enjoy. Amongst these are significant enhancements to the audio related features of the Escape Room Master software suite. Our soundtrack features have received significant updates as well.
Today we announce the exciting release of our awesome Escape Room Master Live Escape Room software! At it’s roots is a great timer app, coupled with saved and ad-hoc clues, from text and audio to photos and video. Our software is web based, with offline functionality. Once you have downloaded and cached the necessary content in your browser, you are able to continue running the rooms offline.