Font Update for Live View, Leaderboards, and Waivers

Today we pushed out an update which enhanced the customization of the player and customer facing views for leaderboards, live view, and waivers. Any text or images that are seen by players are now able to be scaled, adjusting font size and pixel height/width. Additionally, font types may also be changed, as well as the color in all places, not just some as was previously the case.

We have added a lot of options, all of which have defaults in place. If you have no desire to change any of the sizing, everything will continue working as it was before and you will not see a difference. However, the completely granular control over every little gritty aspect of the display is now fully implemented. There are a ton of new options with this control, so take some time to run through the room settings page (white pencil icon on the room dashboard for each room) as well as the leaderboard settings, waiver settings, and the general/branding app settings.


Escape Game Font Styling