Corporate Enhancements for Live Escape Games

Create a backend group to represent the company who has scheduled their team building or corporate process exercise at your escape room facility, and email out automatically generated and personalized links to participants.
Our proprietary survey gathers data from corporate group participants ahead of time via a clean, cloud hosted solution.
Gathered data is processed and saved in our backend system where it is analyzed, and generated results are stored detailing dominant personality types about participants.
A game master, or other trained staff member watches and further analyzes participants in the room and compares how players act in relation to their personality results.
Once the room has completed, corporate game players are debriefed on how they interacted in the room with each other and game elements. Corporate take aways can be given, such as completion certificates, results of the personality survey, audio or video recordings of the team in action or their debrief, or whatever else you may choose to provide them for their corporate escape game booking experience.